What is SKD and CKD in cars?

What is SKD and CKD in cars?


In the field of automobile foreign trade, the two specialized terms SKD and CKD are often involved. SKD is fully known as “Semi-Knocked Down”, i.e. semi-bulked parts. CKD stands for “Completely Knocked Down”.

What is SKD and CKD in cars?
In the field of automobile foreign trade, the two specialized terms SKD and CKD are often involved. SKD is fully known as “Semi-Knocked Down”, i.e. semi-bulked parts. To put it simply, cars exported or imported in the form of SKD are transported in an assembled form with some of the key assembly parts of the car, such as the engine, transmission, etc., while some other parts that are relatively easier to assemble are in the form of bulk. When the car arrives at the destination, it needs to undergo further assembly process in the local factory or workshop to assemble these bulk parts and the already assembled key assemblies together to finally form a complete car that can be used normally.

CKD stands for “Completely Knocked Down”. Under the CKD model, the entire vehicle is disassembled into its most basic components and shipped in a completely knocked down state. After arriving at the destination, all the parts need to be assembled from scratch on the local production line according to the standards and specifications of the automobile manufacturer, just as in the original automobile production plant, assembling each part step by step to finally create a complete automobile.
SKD is only a part of the assembly is pre-assembled, and part of the parts are in bulk, the overall disassembly degree is relatively not so high; while CKD is the car completely disassembled into the most basic parts, the degree of disassembly is much higher than SKD.
As a professional auto trader, we have rich experience and deep industry resources in trading SKD and CKD automobiles.
Whether you want to import SKD cars, complete assembly locally in a relatively convenient way and put them on the market quickly, or consider introducing cars through the CKD mode, so as to better control the production process and achieve the goal of localized production, we can provide you with a full range of services.
We have a professional team that can assist you in a range of issues from procurement and transportation to assembly guidance and after-sales support to ensure the smooth running of your automotive trading business. If you are interested in automotive SKD and CKD related business, or have any questions, please feel free to contact us, we will be happy to serve you and help you find the most suitable automotive trading program for your needs.